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Red Teaming

Simulating a real-world attack for your organization.

What is Red Teaming?

Our red teaming service aims to emulate highly skilled (and potentially state-funded) adversaries attacking your business.

In our red team penetration testing service, we will utilise cutting-edge tools and techniques in an attempt to compromise your organization’s most critical assets. This may include the use of un-disclosed or“0-Day” vulnerabilities.

How Can Your Business Benefit From a Red Teaming Engagement?

A red teaming security assessment allows your organization to fully evaluate their security posture against a real-world, highly skilled and motivated threat actor. Our team of consultants can emulate this through utilising cutting-edge tools and techniques to compromise your most critical assets. By assessing your organization with an attackers point of view, we are able to highlight attack paths and vulnerabilities that may have been previously unconsidered.

  • Multifaceted Approach

    We use a variety of state-of-the-art techniques to conduct your simulated red team attack, identifying security issues that are beyond the capabilities of automated tools

  • Assess Your Defence Level

    A deep analysis of your security strategy can reveal the company’s ability to detect and respond to attacks. Being able to simulate the behaviour of real-life hackers provides unprecedented insight into how best to prepare, detect and recover from cyberattacks.

  • A Complex Approach

    Understanding the most important security issues will help you prioritise and focus your remediation efforts. Our ongoing and aftercare service is far more effective than siloed testing.

Commonly Asked Questions About Red Teaming

What is Red Teaming?

Our red teaming aims to emulate highly skilled (and potentially state-funded) adversaries attacking your business.

What Are Your Objectives When Red Teaming?

Examples of goals we may set prior to conducting a red team security testing:

  • Access and exfiltrate confidential data.
  • Compromise key internal functions, such as finance and HR.
  • Authorise or successfully exfiltrate monies from the business.
  • Remain undetected throughout the process.
Who Performs Mobile Application Penetration Testing Services?

Our Red Teaming engagements are performed by a team of highly certified testers that have the necessary skills needed to find vulnerabilities in a controlled and approved manner. We have Red Teaming specialists in our highly experienced team.

Will You Help Fix Identified Vulnerabilities?

If this is previously agreed, Penetration Testing Middle East will assist in all remediation activities to assist in fixing identified security vulnerabilities. This will take place alongside existing development teams.

Is Red Teaming Done Remotely?

To fully emulate a well skilled and highly funded adversary, our red teaming service is performed remotely. This enables us to test in the same way that a real-world attacker would, over the internet from any location.

How Can I Trust Penetration Testing Middle East?

Our hand-picked and highly certified team is built off of our high levels of success within the exceptionally competitive UK market. We are a vastly experienced team looking to become industry leaders within the UAE market and as such we guarantee the highest level of service to ensure we get there.

Web App Security Dubai

Our Red Teaming Engagement Lifecycle

Rather than defining a strict scope, we will instead define key goals and assets to compromise. This approach allows us to assess your organization in a flexible and malleable way – similarly to how a real world adversary would.

We will utilise our exceptional technical ability to ensure your organization is tested as thoroughly as possible.


Penetration Testing Middle East will learn about the key features of your mobile application through a scoping call or technical demo. Questions will be asked between all involved parties.


A proposal will be issued detailing the items in scope, terms and conditions, cost and duration of the project. Once this contract is mutually signed, the project will be scheduled and will shortly commence.


Your dedicated penetration tester will begin work to identify potential attack paths and security vulnerabilities.

The penetration tester will perform the penetration test and will identify and safely exploit any identified security vulnerabilities. Safe proof-of-concepts will be demonstrated.

Where previously agreed, Penetration Testing Middle East will assist your organization in fully mitigating any identified risks. This will include working with existing development teams.


A high level de-brief session will take place between Penetration Testing Middle East and your key stakeholders. This will be tailored for both executive and technical members of staff.

  • Background

    By uncovering vulnerabilities that cannot be detected by traditional penetration tests, we have improved the security posture of many organizations across the globe.

  • Confidence

    With us, you can ensure that your company's security architecture will be tested in the best possible way by a team of highly qualified specialists.

  • Individuality

    The combination of experience and knowledge of advanced penetration techniques allows our team to anticipate new threats and risks.

  • Collaboration

    We provide you with insightful and detailed reports and expert advice on how to improve security, fix issues, and reduce potential risks. Our aftercare service is unrivalled.

Your Trusted Penetration Testing Partner.

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