Let us show you how your current defences would cope with a real world ransomware attack
What is Ransomware Simulation?
Ransomware simulation is an advanced cybersecurity service tailored for organisations to assess their preparedness against ransomware attacks. Our ransomware simulation service will go through all aspects of a ransomware attack, starting with initial access all the way to file encryption and exfiltration.
Gain assurance of your existing security controls – before a real breach takes place.

Bespoke to Your Organisation
Fully bespoke to your environment, our engagement can be tailored to match your organisations key risks. Prior to commencing the service, our technical team of operators will work with you to identify your main potential threats and will subsequently build the service around those.
Secure Development
All code is securely developed in house, by our team of professionals.
Experienced Professionals
Our team of cyber security professionals secure critical assets daily.
Safe Decryption Keys
We securely hold all decryption keys to fully restore all of your data.
Commonly Asked Questions About Ransomware Simulation
Ransomware simulation is an advanced cybersecurity service tailored for organisations to assess their preparedness against ransomware attacks.
Yes! All of our code is securely developed in house, and we hold all of the decryption keys so we can fully restore all of your data at the end of the simulation.
Ransomware attacks continue to rise, with nearly every organization left vulnerable to an attack. Understanding your organizations defences, and ensuring these have been adequately assessed by a certified and experience professional organisation such as ourselves provides security assurance to all key stakeholders.
If this is previously agreed, Penetration Testing Middle East will assist in all remediation activities to assist in fixing identified security vulnerabilities. This will take place alongside existing security engineering and architecture teams.
Our Ransomware Simulations are performed by a team of highly certified testers that have the necessary skills needed to find vulnerabilities in a controlled and approved manner.
Our hand-picked and highly certified team is built from our high levels of success within the exceptionally competitive UK market. We are a vastly experienced team looking to become industry leaders within the UAE market and as such we guarantee the highest level of service to ensure we get there.

How do Ransomware Simulations Work?
A key element to a successful ransomware simulation engagement is understanding how your business works and the technologies that it uses. We will work with you to create an action plan tailored to your environment, enabling us to truly assesses your organisation in its current state.
We will assess the various ways that ransomware could enter your organisation's internal environments. We will not only look at traditional access vectors, but also those that are less common but equally effective.
In the Execution phase, our team of experienced operators will run a selection of hands-on technical assessments against the pre-defined targets. These tests aim to assess your current ransomware and wider malware controls at a granular level, providing you with full visibility of your cyber risk profile
Data Loss Prevention
Not only will we assess your current malware and ransomware controls, we will also assess how data is protected within your environment. Various assessments focused around exfiltrating data will be performed, highlighting potential gaps within your Data Loss Prevention systems.
Our team will provide you with a full report of the simulation's performance, with technical details of any vulnerabilities found. Where previously agreed, Penetration Testing Middle East will assist your organisation in fully mitigating any identified risks.
You can rest assured that the quality of our testing is of an extremely high standard - providing you with the assurance that you require.
Our methodologies are inline with industry best practice and are based off our extensive penetration testing experience over multiple years.
Minimal Disruption
Our services are designed to allow you to fully assess your environments without causing any significant disruption to day-to-day business activities.
Cost Effective
We understand that different businesses have different budgets. Our team are able to work with you and your budgets to offer a bespoke service.
Your Trusted Penetration Testing Partner.
- Vastly Experienced
- DESC Cyber Force Members
- Penetration Testing Is Our Core Business
- Not a "Bolt-on" Service
- Based In UAE
- Exceptional Reporting
- Fully Accredited Testers
- Experienced Throughout Almost All Industries